Money: Counting Coins

Money: Counting Coins

Grade 1s will be representing money amounts to 20 cents.Grade 2s will be representing money amounts to 100 cents. Click the picture to play Coin Count at Money Master is another great game...

Social Studies Projects

Social Studies Projects

Grade One Project: There are new students in your school.  To help them learn about the school community, you will fill out a chart naming the buildings in your school community and tell what...

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Today we carved a pumpkin and counted the seeds.  Before we started, the highest estimate was 100.  After we started making a few piles, we changed our estimates. We counted 636 seeds!   I’m glad...

November 2012 Newsletter

November 2012 Newsletter

Homework In spelling, students are working on the Week 8 list of words.  They should also be reading each night and keeping track of how many minutes they read in their agendas. Halloween Students...

Halloween Stories Online

Halloween Stories Online

This week, during “Listen to Reading”, we’ll listen to some Halloween stories including:Arthur’s Halloween, One Hungry Monster, and Ben’s Halloween. If you’re looking for websites with stories online, is free. You can watch...

Classroom News: October 20th

Classroom News: October 20th

Homework:This weekend, students are asked to complete two assignments: “I Wonder” and a Story Retell.  To complete the story retell, students should read any book from home and write about what happened in the...

We Are Number Builders!

We Are Number Builders!

There are so many ways to build numbers. Here are a few of the ways we’ve been talking about in Grade 1/2. Draw a picture. Count money. Write a number sentence. Skip count. Draw...

Retelling Stories

Retelling Stories

We are learning to retell stories out loud and in writing.  This week, we will learn to use a graphic organizer that uses a triangle, a square, and a circle to organize the parts...

October Newsletter

October Newsletter

October 2012 This week, students participated in the Terry Fox Run.  We learned a little bit about who he was and why we continue to raise money and run in his name.  Thanks to...