Capacity: Which Holds More?
For this activity you will need: one large bowl, a big cup, a small cup, a small cooking pot, beans/rice/flour, and a cookie tray to keep the beans from rolling on the table. Pour...
For this activity you will need: one large bowl, a big cup, a small cup, a small cooking pot, beans/rice/flour, and a cookie tray to keep the beans from rolling on the table. Pour...
Try out some of these great games for some extra measurement practice!
Mrs. Bacchus wants to write a note to Mrs. Stanca. I have a lot to say. Which paper should I use? Why?
We are learning to compare the masses of objects, using words such as heavier, lighter, and the same mass. Play “Which Object Is Heavier?” with your child: • Each player chooses an object (e.g.,...
We are learning to use the words small, medium, and large to describe objects. Retell one of these two stories by starting at the beginning and telling the story again in your own words....
We are learning about Measurement. Watch the video below to see Mrs. Bacchus talk about 4 important rules for measuring length (how long something is). Talk about the pictures below. What do you notice?
Measure objects around the house with your shoe. How many shoes long is the bathtub? The carpet? The hallway? Write down the numbers and compare. Which one is the longest or the shortest?
Learning Goals: I can use measurement terms (words) in ways that make sense. I can look for connections between different ways of measuring. I can estimate and measure to solve problems. I can find...
BIG IDEAS (found here): • When we measure, we compare. • When we measure, it’s a good idea to line things up – to use a common baseline. • When we measure it’s important...