Awesome Snow Day Activities Your Students Will Love

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It’s officially a snow day in most of our region which means it’s time to get creative with your students! Here are some fun ideas to keep them entertained and learning even when school is cancelled. You’ll find stories, experiments, literacy and numeracy activities, and movement activities.

Snow Day Stories

The Snowy Day

Do you have a favourite book about snow that you read to your students over and over again? I do! My favourite is “The Snowy Day.” Students love reading about Peter’s adventures in the snow. His reactions are always so relatable for our kindergarteners. Plus, the illustrations in this book are absolutely beautiful! If you haven’t read this book yet, I highly recommend checking it out! You won’t be disappointed. Here is “The Snowy Day,” animated by Jay Boucher and read aloud by Napoleon Maddox.

Perfect Snow

There’s something about a fresh snowfall that just feels so perfect. And no book captures that feeling quite like Perfect Snow by Barbara Reid. In this book, two boys are excited to go outside and play in the snow. They create something wonderful. If you’re looking for a wintertime read that will make you smile, Perfect Snow is perfect!

Snow Experiments

The best thing about a snow day is spending time inside with no obligations. But what can you do to make the most of it? Try some fun science experiments! With just a few household items, you can entertain your kids all day long. Here are some ideas to get you started.

5 fun snow day experiments

snow day ice cube melting race

snow day ice cube hockey pucks

snow day measuring

Math and Literacy

Sizing Up Winter

Sizing Up Winter is a math story about lots of different ways you can find math in this season. This book can be found on Epic! If you don’t have access to Epic, here’s a read aloud on YouTube.

A scavenger hunt is a fun way to review some math concepts at home. Here is one about shapes.

snow day shape hunt

Winter Movement Activities

Just in case your students can’t get outside and play in all of that fresh snow, here are a few indoor movement activities to keep them active.

School Closure for Teachers

I’m sure many teachers will be using this day to work on some report cards or get caught up on some planning.

Here is my bundle of Term 1 and 2 questionnaires to help teachers write the Kindergarten Communication of Learning. I use these questionnaires to highlight key learning and then use them as a base for my comments. Curriculum expectations have been divided between the two terms so there are different topics to write about. Here is the questionnaire for Term 1.

Groundhog Day is coming up on February 2nd. This set of Google Slides is full of pictures and simple text for teaching Kindergarteners about nonfiction texts and real facts about groundhogs. It can be posted on your Classroom or D2L for your asynchronous learners as well.

groundhog day resource

Have a restful, happy SNOW DAY!

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