January 2013 Newsletter

January 2013 Newsletter

I hope all of our students and families have enjoyed a restful holiday season.  Thanks to all parents who came to the Christmas Concert.  The students worked very hard to prepare the show for...

Find the Missing Number

Find the Missing Number

Match the cards in these games and see how many levels you can beat!Missing Number Game #1Missing Number Game #2 We have talked about the equals sign.  Many people think it means “the answer...

December News

December News

In Science, we are investigating the needs and characteristics of living things. Grade 1 Big Ideas Living things grow, take in food to create energy, make waste, and reproduce.  Plants and animals, including people,...

Counting Change

Counting Change

We have been learning to use the fewest number of coins to make amounts up to 10 cents in Grade 1 and up to 100 cents in Grade 2. For example, to show 8...

Where in the World Are We?

Where in the World Are We?

Knowing all the layers of where in the world we live is challenging for many students. We’re going to start big and “zoom in” closer and closer to figure out where we live. The...

Blending Sounds with Word Families

Blending Sounds with Word Families

Word families are words that share the same ending. They are a great starting point when your child is able to name the sounds of the letters and is ready to start combining them...