Feedback: How Your Child is Doing

Feedback: How Your Child is Doing

In the Friday Folder this week, you’ll find a feedback slip with the curriculum expectations we have been working on, and whether your child has “Got It” or “Needs Practice”.  If you see that your...

Scholastic Book Orders

Scholastic Book Orders

Book orders are due tomorrow (Friday).  If you would like to place an order, please fill out the slip on the back of the order forms.  Remember, the price is listed in the pink...

Language Program: The Daily 5

Language Program: The Daily 5

Our class will use the Daily 5 to structure our language program.  I have seen wonderful results in both students’ engagement and literacy in using the program.  Students learn to work independently in 5...

Friday Folders

Friday Folders

Every Friday, your child will bring home a Friday Folder.  It has 2 pockets.  One is labelled Keep at Home.  It will have any finished work, book orders, and newsletters in it.  The other...

Spelling City Homework Program

Spelling City Homework Program

Each month, you’ll find a page of spelling activities attached to our class newsletter. (“September Speller’s Choice Activities.”) Please keep that page in a safe place – you’ll need it all month. You’ll also...

Sarah, Plain and Tall

Sarah, Plain and Tall

While the Grade 3s were writing EQAO assessments, the Grade 2s began a novel study on the book “Sarah, Plain and Tall”.  It is a fictional story about a family of pioneers who live...

Don’t Let the Pigeon…

Don’t Let the Pigeon…

“Don’t Let the Pigeon Ride the Bus” and other stories by Mo Willems are examples of persuasive writing.  Our class is writing our own “Don’t Let the Pigeon…” stories.

Fire Safety

Fire Safety

We read this article together on the SMARTboard and then made a list of important fire safety tips: Playing With Fire: Visit Sparky’s Arcade to play some games.(If they don’t work, you may...