

We see fractions all the time.  What fractions do you notice in these pictures? Here are two games you can try at home:

Elapsed Time

Elapsed Time

We are beginning a unit in Measurement, and Grade 3s will be learning about elapsed time, or measuring how time passes. Try some games: 1. If you think you know...

Letter Writing

Letter Writing

The Grade 2/3s will be learning how to write a persuasive letter.  We will use this letter writing generator to help us format our letters.  Try it out at home!

Fact or Opinion

Fact or Opinion

We are learning to write a paragraph about our opinions. Try this game with Arthur and his friends to decide whether the ideas are facts or opinions.

Mission Nutrition

Mission Nutrition

Our class is embarking on a mission: to learn about healthy eating and how to be a fit kid!  We are excited about Taste Testing, where we test out some less common foods.  If...