October Newsletter

October 2012
This week, students participated in the Terry Fox Run.  We learned a little bit about who he was and why we continue to raise money and run in his name.  Thanks to all families who came to our school’s Open House.  Your children were so excited to show you all that we’ve been doing in Grade 1/2!
We are working on a unit on Number Relationships.  Our class is practicing counting large numbers of objects in different ways, such as making groups of 10 or lining them up in twos.  Grade 1s will begin with counting, reading, and recording numbers.  They will work with number relationships up to 10 and then 20.  Grade 2s will work with number relationships up to 50 and then 100 and should know their number facts to 18.  Activities for extra practice will be posted on bacchusclass.blogspot.com.
We have built up our stamina so we are able to read for over 10 minutes without stopping.  Students should read for 10-15 minutes every night at home.  One of the best ways that you can support your child in becoming a better reader is by reading with him or her often.  We are practicing retelling stories with lots of detail.  You can practice this at home by asking your child to “Start at the beginning and tell me what happened in the story.”
Students have also been writing journal entries and are beginning a unit in Recount writing.  We will use words such as “first, then, next, and finally” to tell stories in order.
Science and Social Studies 
Grade 1 students are finishing up their unit on Daily and Seasonal Changes, and Grade 2 students are learning about Matter.  You will find more information about these units on our class blog.
We have been creating a classroom community by getting to know each others’ names and learning about each other.  We have also learned a number of new prayers and graces.  Ask your child to share them with you at home.  We are going to spend the month of October learning about some of the parables, including the Good Samaritan.  Our class will be challenged to be Good Samaritans to each other.
·         Please find the list of “October Speller’s Choice Activities” attached to this newsletter.  Keep it in a safe place so your child can refer to it all month as we practice our spelling words.  Spelling work is due Fridays.
·         Friday Folders are sent home on Fridays and should be returned on Monday.
·         St. Francis Day Mass – Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 9:15 a.m. in our school gym.

Thanks for your continued communication in the agendas.  Please remember to sign your initials each day.  Your child should be encouraged to take responsibility for this.  Students’ learning skills, including organization and responsibility, are a focus of the first Progress Report.

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