Dot Day is September 15th

dot day september 15

On September 15th, teachers across the country will be hosting their students in celebrating Dot Day. Inspired by Peter H. Reynolds’ book “The Dot,” it is a global celebration of creativity, courage, and self-expression. This special day encourages people of all ages to embrace their inner artist and make their mark on the world. For kindergarteners, Dot Day offers a fantastic opportunity to engage in fun and educational activities that promote creativity, self-confidence, and artistic exploration. In this blog post, we’ll explore some delightful activities tailored for kindergarteners. Join us for some fun activities to get your creative juices flowing!

The Dot by Peter H Reynolds

The story “The Dot” (affiliate link) is an inspirational tale for educators. It tells the story of Vashti, a young girl who has never drawn before in her life. When she starts drawing, she draws one dot on the paper and says, “I did it.” She becomes so excited that she continues to make dots all over the page until it’s filled with them. The moral of this story is that you can do anything if you put your mind to it!

After reading “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds with children in kindergarten, have them create a dot. They could create a dot on paper using dots of paint or crayons or on a tablet or computer. After they are finished creating their own dots, ask them about the colours they chose and how they felt while they were creating their own dots.

This activity can also be done by gluing different coloured tissue paper circles of different sizes on paper. Have the child then put all of these pieces into his or her chosen order to complete their colourful masterpiece!

Collaborative Dot Mural

Foster a sense of community and teamwork by creating a collaborative dot mural with your kindergarteners. Set up a large sheet of paper or cardboard on an easel or wall, and let the children take turns adding their dots and designs to the mural. This activity not only encourages creativity but also teaches the importance of working together to achieve a common goal.

Dot Parade

Organize a Dot Parade where children can proudly display their dot-themed creations. Let them march around the school or playground while wearing dot-decorated clothing or accessories. This activity not only celebrates their artistic achievements but also instills a sense of pride and confidence in their abilities.


Here’s an art activity from one of my favourite Art Teachers, Cassie Stephens. (Follow her on Instagram for amazing art lessons and fabulous outfits to match.)

Even the smallest dot can be the start of something amazing! Happy Dot Day!

Looking for other seasonal posts? Here are my favourite books about fall (aka autumn) and thankfulness and gratitude.

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