What to Say When You Retell
Learning Goal:We are learning to retell a story. Success Criteria:We will talk about: the setting (where and when?) the characters (who?) the problem and solution (what happened?) the beginning, middle, and end – in...
Learning Goal:We are learning to retell a story. Success Criteria:We will talk about: the setting (where and when?) the characters (who?) the problem and solution (what happened?) the beginning, middle, and end – in...
In Social Studies, we are learning about Global Communities. Learning Goals: I know that there are many countries, continents, physical features, and bodies of water around the world. I can find oceans, continents, the...
Hi Grade 2/3s! I was so happy to meet you all again today. I can’t wait to share this year with you! Here are a few things you might want to know about me: My...
If you live in Ontario, you’ve probably survived Week 1 and are just starting Week 2 of school. The first FULL week of school. Some of my favourite books that I read aloud to...
Have a wonderful school year!
Why do you think the author (Martin Jenkins) wrote this story? Listen to the description of the chameleon.
Today we made “Area Art” using grid paper. Students made pictures using the following rules:1. Follow the lines using pencil.2. Colour each section one colour.3. Mrs. Bacchus will ask you to find the area...
May will be a busy month! Here are some important dates: May 7 – Jump Rope for Heart (Pledge forms due.)May 10 – Growing in Faith Through the Arts Show – 9:15 a.m. – 10:30...
Shiver me timbers! This is a swashbuckling song about ARRRRR! Pirate Jokes: Why was the pirate hiding? He was afraid of the darrrrk. Why are pirates pirates? Because they arrrrre. Where do pirates go...
PBSkids has a bunch of great Earth Day Games for you to try! Our class created fantastic convincing posters to tell people at our school all about Recycling! The Amaryllis in our class even...