One and Two Digit Subtraction Games

One and Two Digit Subtraction Games

We are learning about subtraction.  Click the picture below to play Fruit Shoot Subtraction.  Try to get all the way to Level 7!      More subtraction games: One Digit Subtraction Fun Fishing...

Achievement Levels

Achievement Levels

Here is a link to the Ontario Achievement Levels from the Ministry of Education.  On page 14, if you look at Math, the expectations are separated into Knowledge and Understanding, Thinking, Communication, and Application.  On...

Researching Countries

Researching Countries

Good websites for Researching Countries: Play “Connect the World” with Buster

Technology in Our Classroom

Technology in Our Classroom

I believe it is important for students to learn to use technology, and to use technology to learn.  We all know the Internet is a valuable tool for learning, but we need to teach...

Nouns and Verbs

Nouns and Verbs

Think you know your nouns and verbs?  Test yourself with these two quizzes.  Good luck!