Writing About Your Opinion
Writing About Your Opinion: Your opinion is what YOU think. JKs – Write a list of things you like. “I like ____. I like ____.” SKs – What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?...
Writing About Your Opinion: Your opinion is what YOU think. JKs – Write a list of things you like. “I like ____. I like ____.” SKs – What is your favourite flavour of ice cream?...
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve felt very fortunate to be able to send the kids out the door to the backyard. Even so, we’ve been craving new scenery and new adventures. After the announcement...
I get a little panicky at the end of summer, thinking about the many months of cold weather ahead. So on September 21st, the last official day of summer, I was hoping for one...
Teaching our kids to be good travelers is something that is important to us, and road trips have been one of the best learning opportunities… for all of us. Here are some of the...
Pittsburgh had never even crossed my mind as a destination. I couldn’t place it on a map. What’s in Pittsburgh anyway? Apparently, my brother-in-law’s dream job, my favourite hotel I’ve stayed in with kids,...
We spent a week in Pittsburgh with our two kids under 3. Here are 8 of our favourite activities, in no particular order. Except the first one. It was our hands-down favourite. The Children’s...
This weekend is a long weekend because Monday is Victoria Day. The holiday is named after Queen Victoria, who was the Queen of England in the 1800s. In Canada, people still celebrate Queen Victoria’s...
We are learning to compare the masses of objects, using words such as heavier, lighter, and the same mass. Play “Which Object Is Heavier?” with your child: • Each player chooses an object (e.g.,...
Make a bridge between two books or boxes. You can use ONLY one piece of paper. Sound impossible? Hint: Think about how you could fold the paper. Test another design for your paper bridge...
Create a treasure map. Hide an object in your home, draw a map, and mark an X where the ”treasure“ is hidden. Be creative, add details, and decorate it. Ask a member of your...