Reading Lesson: Problems and Solutions

Fictional (made up) stories have a PROBLEM in the middle and a SOLUTION at the end that fixes the problem.

1. Click Scholastic. Click Bookflix. Click Animals and Nature. Click “Come On, Rain”. Listen to the story.
2. What was the problem in the story? How was the problem solved?

3. Read “Rainy Weather Days”. Can you make a personal connection to your own experiences?

4. Play “Story in a Bag”. Put about 10 random small objects or toys from around the house (the crazier the better!) in a bag. Pick one object out of the bag and begin your story. Ask a parent or sibling to join in and help you write your story down. Remember that your story needs a problem in the middle and a solution at the end. You can also describe the objects in your bag and have a family member guess what it is.

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