Kindergarten Inquiry about the Solar System

Solar System Inquiry


This Solar System inquiry started when students were shown footage of the Mars 2020 launch. The Perseverance Rover was due to land on Mars later the same week so there was a lot of relevant news and videos about the Solar System.

We used this nonfiction resource for information, pictures, and videos. Click to find it in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Solar System Nonfiction Text Features
Our class was most interested in the planets. They talked about the sizes and colours of them. We painted our own planets using cotton swabs and paper plates. At the same time, we discussed the primary colours and experimented by mixing them together.


planet artmixing primary colours


Planet inquiryProcess art

Outside, we used spray bottles with water and red food colouring to colour a snowbank red like Mars. We counted down and pretended to blast off, flying over to Mars.


Snow painting

Some students chose to make pictures and stories about space. We added a title and our artwork to the bulletin board outside our classroom. Students loved choosing where their planet would go.


Documentation of learning in play-based kindergarten program


Play based learningOpen ended art


Storytelling in KindergartenSpace inquiry kindergarten

The numbers below are a child’s representation of a countdown from 10 to 1.

Play based learning

One child came to school one morning with a fact to share. She wrote it on a sentence strip and added it to the wall, inspiring another student to find more information.


Solar system inquiry kindergarten
Solar System bulletin boardDocumentation of learning
We watched the footage of the landing on Mars, talked about the name of the Rover – Perseverance, and tallied our predictions about whether scientists will find signs of life on Mars.

Inquiry-based learning is a great way to introduce children to the wonders of science, and what better topic than the Solar System? In a kindergarten classroom, exploring the Solar System through play-based learning can be an exciting and engaging experience for young minds. With inquiry activities such as art projects, experiments, and field trips, students can explore the planets in our Solar System in a fun and interactive way. By combining science with play-based learning, students can gain an understanding of the Solar System that will stay with them for years to come.

For more information about this unit on the Solar System, check out the Google Slides resource below. It’s also in my Bundle of Inquiry Texts and Nonfiction Resources.

Related: How to Document Learning in the Ontario Kindergarten program: Strategies and Examples

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