Games for Adding Doubles
Play Dinosaur Dentist Play Robin Hood Doubles Play Bridge Doubles
Play Dinosaur Dentist Play Robin Hood Doubles Play Bridge Doubles
Fact families help us to understand the link between addition and subtraction. They also help us understand that it doesn’t matter which order you add numbers – you’ll still get the same result. The...
Ten Frames help us to think about numbers and basic math facts. We use them to practice counting, adding, and subtracting. If there were 6 counters on this ten frame, how many more would...
Look how this class told the story “Miss Nelson is Missing!” If you could make a video to tell a story, what story would you tell?
Growing Patterns Game Number Patterns Game
In Math, we are finishing our first unit in Sorting and Patterning. The Grade 2s will be completing a few more patterns using two changing attributes (size, colour, shape, position). Our next unit will...
Students will be completing a task to show their knowledge of patterning. Grade 1 students should be able to say, “I can…” Choose a strategy to make a pattern Create a pattern Find repeating...