Skip Count by 10
Now, it’s your turn to practice counting by 10s: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100! Get a ball or something that you can toss. Toss the ball back and forth...
Now, it’s your turn to practice counting by 10s: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100! Get a ball or something that you can toss. Toss the ball back and forth...
This is a lesson about 3D solids. We talk about cylinders, spheres, cubes, cones, rectangular prisms, and pyramids. We explore their properties and talk about the ways they can be used. The next video...
Challenge: How can you use math to talk about your front door? Hint: think about numbers, size, shapes, and be creative. Talk to your family about it.
Play Game: Do Our Favourite Alphabet Dance:
Play the game: Watch the video:
Click on the following links to play shape games:
Play Shape Match. Draw a picture. What shapes did you use? Go on a shape hunt in your backyard. What shapes can you find? Make up your own song about shapes.
This was a Giant Symmetrical Art Attack my clever students made. Cool, eh?