Make Your Own Puzzle with this Printable Template

Have you ever wanted to make your own puzzle? Here are a few ideas for you to try at home.

You can print a puzzle template here: Just print it, flip it over and draw your picture on the blank side, and then cut out the pieces following the puzzle lines on the printed side.
You can also draw a picture on a regular piece of paper and then ask an adult to help you cut it into different shapes. (Or an adult can help you draw the lines and you can cut them out.)
Important: when you are drawing and colouring your picture, you need to include a lot of detail. Make sure your picture covers the whole space and colour the whole page. Try not to leave any blank spots.
What will you draw on your puzzle? 

Parent Information: Why puzzles? They are great for developing:
– spatial sense
– shape recognition
– concentration
– memory
– fine motor skills
Looking for more puzzles? Try cutting up a cereal box to make a puzzle or check out this website for puzzles online.

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