Free Earth Day Activities, Games, and Videos

Earth Day Mrs Bacchus




It’s almost Earth Day! Let’s celebrate our home planet!

As Earth Day approaches, educators around the world are gearing up to engage their young learners in activities that foster a love and appreciation for the planet. For kindergarten and primary teachers, this presents a wonderful opportunity to instill environmental awareness and inspire action through fun and interactive experiences. Here are some engaging Earth Day activities tailored specifically for young children.


Outdoor Cleanup:

Organize a schoolyard cleanup where students work together to pick up litter and beautify their outdoor space. Provide them with gloves and trash bags, and supervise as they collect garbage. Use this opportunity to teach them about the importance of keeping our environment clean and how littering harms wildlife.

Earth Day Crafts:

Set up a crafting station with eco-friendly materials like recycled paper, cardboard, and non-toxic paints. Encourage students to create Earth Day-themed crafts such as paper plate globes, recycled paper collages, or handprint trees. These crafts not only promote creativity but also reinforce the importance of caring for our planet.

Sensory Exploration:

Create sensory bins filled with materials like sand, soil, rocks, and water for students to explore. Add natural elements like pinecones, shells, or dried leaves to enhance the sensory experience. Use this activity to spark discussions about the different textures, colors, and properties found in nature.

Earth Day Activities

Earth Day Pledges: Have students brainstorm ways they can help the planet and write them down as Earth Day pledges. These could include actions like recycling, conserving water, reducing energy consumption, or picking up litter. Display their pledges in the classroom as a reminder of their commitment to making a positive impact on the environment.

Go on a Scavenger Hunt:

Earth Day Scavenger Hunt

Recycled Art:

Get creative with recycled materials! Collect items like empty cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, and old newspapers, and encourage students to use them to create artwork related to Earth Day themes. This activity not only promotes recycling but also allows children to express their creativity while learning about sustainability.

Earth Day recycled art


Make a kite or a wind sock.


Planting Seeds:

Set up a planting station in your classroom where students can plant seeds in pots or small containers. Teach them about the life cycle of plants and the importance of greenery for our planet. As they care for their plants and watch them grow, they will develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment.


Take close-up pictures of nature.


Nature Walks:

Take your students on a nature walk around the school grounds or local park. Encourage them to observe and appreciate the beauty of the natural world around them. Provide them with small paper bags or baskets to collect natural objects like leaves, twigs, or flowers. Afterwards, you can discuss what they found and how important it is to protect our environment.


Earth Day Online Games

Earth Day Videos

Storytime with Eco-Friendly Books:

Choose age-appropriate books with environmental themes to read aloud to your students. Look for titles that teach concepts like recycling, conservation, and protecting wildlife. After reading, facilitate discussions about the messages conveyed in the stories and how they can apply them to their own lives.
By incorporating these Earth Day activities into your curriculum, you can inspire young children to become stewards of the environment and instill in them a sense of responsibility towards the planet. Remember, the lessons learned today will shape the actions they take tomorrow, making every effort to celebrate Earth Day in the classroom truly impactful.
Visit my Earth Day Pinterest Board for more ideas.

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