Favourite Books Friday: Books about Anger

This week’s Favourite Books Friday is about books that talk about the feeling of anger.

Every day, kindergarten teachers are faced with a wide range of emotions from their students. Teaching students to recognize and name their feelings will help them develop self-regulation skills. 

One way that teachers can help students understand how they are feeling is through reading books about anger. These books are an excellent resource for teaching children how to manage their feelings and express themselves without hurting anyone else. In this blog post, I will provide you with some book recommendations for teaching your kindergarteners about anger!

Tip: These books are available on Amazon.ca for quick purchase. You can help support this blog by purchasing the children’s book(s) through this link.

1. I Choose to Calm My Anger by Elizabeth Estrada

2. I Am Stronger Than Anger by Elizabeth Cole

3. When Sophie Gets Angry – Really Really Angry by Molly Bang

4. When I’m Feeling Angry by Trace Moroney

5. Angry Ninja by Mary Nhin

6. The Angry Dragon by Michael Gordon

7. Little Unicorn is Angry by Aurelie Chien Chow Chine

8. Angry Octopus by Lori Lite

9. Help Your Angry Dragon by Melissa Winn

10. A Little Spot of Anger by Diane Alber

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