Sarah, Plain and Tall

While the Grade 3s were writing EQAO assessments, the Grade 2s began a novel study on the book “Sarah, Plain and Tall”.  It is a fictional story about a family of pioneers who live in the Prairies.  We’ve compared our lives to theirs, and to celebrate the end of the unit, baked bread in class today.

We did, however, use a breadmaker, which the pioneers wouldn’t have had, but we learned a little bit about how it is made and best of all: what it tastes like fresh out of the pan.  The bread was such a hit that students were asking for the recipe so they could try it at home.  Here are two:

This recipe requires a breadmaker.

This recipe doesn’t require a breadmaker.  Here are some extra tips, just in case.

Finally, just for fun, have you ever seen a dog bake bread?

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