Monthly Archive: May 2014

Classifying Animals

Classifying Animals

Here is a great website for researching animals and learning about the different classifications: Mammals Reptiles Birds Insects Fish Amphibians

Saidat: Hip Hop

Saidat: Hip Hop

Today we tried hip hop with Saidat!  We learned a dance to the song “Top of the World”.  Ask us about “Care, Share, Give”.

Descriptive Writing

Descriptive Writing

We are learning about Descriptive Writing. The video below was created for people who have difficulty seeing.  A woman describes what is happening so a person can visualize what it looks like. We use...

TVO Kids Homework Zone

TVO Kids Homework Zone Check out the great measurement videos at TVO kids!  (You’ll also find one of our favourite games – Beat the Clock!) Grade 3s, I recommend the video, “EQAO – Perimeter”. (Hint: It will...